
NEXANS MOBIWAY™: click, lock and roll

MOBIWAY™ BY NEXANS - Reusable system allowing for easy carrying and unwinding of your cable drums

MOBIWAY™ by Nexans is a patented set of plastic drum and its associated unwinding system. Practical and handy, the MOBIWAY™ system makes it easy to transport and handle your drums for a stress-free and easier installation. Moreover, the MOBIWAY™ flange system is reusable !

Transport and unroll your cable with 2 clips!

  • Easily transportable
  • Multifunctional
  • Strong & stable
  • Practical & quiet
  • Reusable
  • Recyclable
Operation of Mobiway™
Operation of Mobiway™

Using MOBIWAY™ is really simple

  • Snap the MOBIWAY™ flanges onto the MOBIWAY™ drum & lock them into place
  • Open the handles to easily carry the drum, by one or 2 people depending on the weight left on the drum
  • Put the drum down and click the handles into the standing position
  • Unwind the cable
  • When the drum is empy, simply unlock the MOBIWAY™ flanges and reuse them on a new MOBIWAY™ drum.
Benefits of MOBIWAY™
Benefits of MOBIWAY™
  • Easily transportable: transportable by 1 or 2 people and move easily.

  • Multifunctional: handle tilts to allow rolling: the reel is stable and ready to roll.

  • Strong and stable: rubber anti-slip pads and perfect grip on the ground.

  • Practical and quiet: innovative and silent unwinding system, cable unwinds in the direction of your needs.

  • Reusable: 100% recyclable reels and flanges.

NEXANS MOBIWAY™: watch the video


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